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The Constitution of the United States of America made the President, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. Lincoln was the President. As such he warned the enemy to surrender or that as part of their property that he would take would be their slaves. Armies have always taken and used their enemies' property. What he did as Commander in Chief of the army maintained a great tradition.

In the past, many armies had taken their enemies women with their other property. Since Southerners considered their slaves to be their property, such would be the property which the army would take if the South did not surrender.

So. Lincoln had that right because slaves were the property of people fighting against the United States.

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Q: What constitutional right gave Lincoln the right to free the slaves?
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How did Lincoln demonstrate freedom?

Lincoln showed freedom by freeing the slaves because they have a right to be free

Who forced Abraham Lincoln to free the slaves?

Nobody forced Abraham Lincoln to free the slaves, he just saw that slavery was not right so he wanted to end it.

What constitutional right did Lincoln have to free enslaves African American in the south?

Tricky question. The South had declared itself to be a separate nation, over which Lincoln had no authority. But Lincoln did not accept this state of affairs, and Britain and France did not grant official recognition, though they came close to doing so. Aside from Constitutional rights, Lincoln did of course have no actual power to free Southern slaves while the war lasted, except to give Union troops permission to rob the enemy of his chattels, which included slaves.

What did Lincoln sigh to free slaves?

Abraham Lincoln signed a billl to free the slaves . his wife Mary todd had slaves work for her.

Who wanted to free slaves?

Abraham Lincoln wanted to free the slaves.

Which president free the slaves?

Abraham Lincoln.

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Abraham Lincoln did not kill any slaves. He worked to free them.

What legal argument gave union armies the right to free captured southern slaves?

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, effective from January 1863, which declared all Southern slaves to be free.

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Abraham Lincoln set the slaves free.

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Why did Lincoln issue the emancipation do?

To Free the Slaves

Who urged Lincoln to free slaves as a morale issue?

Fredrick Douglas urged Lincoln to free the slaves as a Moral Issue, but it raised morale as well.