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In 1803, Jefferson told Congress the Atlantic Ocean would help the US stay out of the affairs of European countries. However, he did reluctantly draft a document of support.

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The Atlantic Ocean

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By displaying a strong U.S. Navy abroad.

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Q: What did Jefferson tell Congress in 1803 would help the US stay out of the affairs of European countries?
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What one thing did Jefferson tell Congress in 1803 would help the US stay out of the affairs of European countries?

The Atlantic Ocean

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Thomas Jefferson had difficulty with staying out of foreign affairs because he thought we needed to have a friendly relashionship with other countries.

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Yes. The president asked his advice and Jefferson told him that the United States should not get involved with European wars or affairs.

What document warned European countries to stay out of latin American affairs?

The Monroe doctrine

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France was the ideal country in foreign affairs in Thomas Jefferson's view.

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Louis Grech is the Minister of European Affairs for Malta.

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deficit financing is not a foreign affairs power given to congress.

When was The European Journal of International Affairs created?

The European Journal of International Affairs was created in 1988.

What European countries are the most powerful internationally?

I don't think any of the European countries is really 'powerful'. However, France, Britain and Russia have quite some influence. Germany keeps a low profile in international affairs.