The Anasazi drew pictographs and petroglyphs of ruddy brown bighorn sheep, white lizard-men, outlines of hands (created by blowing pasty paint from the mouth against a hand held flat on the wall) and, in one area of Chaco Canyon, an extraordinary, artfully chiseled 40-foot-long snake.
They used rocks on the cave walls. Like if you were outside and you picked up a stone and drew on your driveway or on the road, it would make kind of a white line. Well, they would do something like that.
Or using the paint they drew on their faces they would put it on the walls as well.
The Anasazi Indians live on the Four Corners which is Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah.
We have no evidence of what the ancient Anasazi language was like or what their words may have been.
The Anasazi traded many things such as animals, pottery, beads, turquoise and a number of other things.
Calendar making. Both used the sun to track the movement of the seasons and time very accurately with intricately made solar calendars using markings made on temple walls.
The Anasazi Indians created these monuments and buildings made of stones to track the solstices.
the anasazi live in the southwest coast
The Patatyan and Anasazi indians.
in the willderness
The Anasazi often built complex houses on cliff walls to defend against attacks.
the hunted
they make potery
They are the first Indians
they hunted rabbits