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In order:

1775 - set up the Continental Army

1776 - issued a Declaration of Independence

1781 - wrote the instrument of government with the Articles of Confederation

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Q: What did the Continental Congress do to establish American Independence?
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What is Structure of government establish by the declaration of independence?

The Second continental Congress produced the Declaration of Independence.

Who declared American independence?

correct me if im wrong but it was the first continental congress

What occurred at the second continental congress?

It was at the Second Continental Congress that the Declaration of Independence was adopted. The convention took place during the American Revolutionary War.

What did John Hancock do in the American revolution?

He signed the Declaration of Independence and was president of the continental congress.

What did the first Continental Congress have to do with the Declaration of Independence?

The First Continental Congress had nothing to do with the Declaration of Independence.

Which Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence?

That would be the 2nd Continental Congress!!

What cameral congress did the Articles of Confederation establish?

What cameral congress did the articles of confederation establish? The Continental Congress

Why did the Continental Congress experience difficulty in the establish the Continental Army?

The patriots were philosophically opposed to standing armies felling that they posed a grave threat to civil government and to republican independence.....

In which year did the second continental congress begin to discuss independence?

The Second Continental Congress began to discuss independence in 1776.

What prominent member of the continental congress helped gain french support for the American independence?

Ben Franklin

Which legislative body drafted the decleraton of independence?

The Second Continental Congress, 1776

What led to the meeting of the First Continental Congress?

The First Continental Congress was called on to try and establish what American rights were, the proper tactics for resisting the Coercive (the Intolerable) Acts, and what the limits on Parliament's power should be.