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The Yurok, Wiyot, and Pomo Indians of what is now northern California hunted game, fished the rivers and the Pacific Ocean, and gathered plant material and acorns. They did not plant crops.

The Chinook people who occupied what is now Oregon and Washington also hunted game, fished the rivers and ocean, and gathered plant materials that they did not plant.

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Idell Dietrich

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โˆ™ 2y ago
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โˆ™ 16y ago

they farmed beans,corn, and squash. They called them the three sisters they farmed beans,corn, and squash. They called them the three sisters

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Q: What did the northwest native Americans farm?
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The pacific northwest

How did food sources of native Americans of the north and northwest differ from those of native Americans living in the west and southwest?

Native Americans used hunting, gathering, farming and on some occasions, raising domestic animals as food sources. Native Americans from the North and Northwest were primarily hunting and gathering societies, but also fished and in some cases were able to farm a bit if the climate permitted. On the other hand, Native Americans in the Southwest, had a more nomadic lifestyle and used hunting and gathering as their main food sources.

How did food sources from Native Americans of the north and northwest differ from those of Native Americans living in the west and southwest?

Native Americans used hunting, gathering, farming and on some occasions, raising domestic animals as food sources. Native Americans from the North and Northwest were primarily hunting and gathering societies, but also fished and in some cases were able to farm a bit if the climate permitted. On the other hand, Native Americans in the Southwest, had a more nomadic lifestyle and used hunting and gathering as their main food sources.

How did food sources for native Americans of the north and northwest differ from of native Americans living in the west and southwest?

Native Americans used hunting, gathering, farming and on some occasions, raising domestic animals as food sources. Native Americans from the North and Northwest were primarily hunting and gathering societies, but also fished and in some cases were able to farm a bit if the climate permitted. On the other hand, Native Americans in the Southwest, had a more nomadic lifestyle and used hunting and gathering as their main food sources.

Why did native Americans fight Americans forces in the northwest territory?

the native Americans were forced west and just wanted to protect there land.

How did food sources for Native American of the northwest differ from those of native Americans living in the west and southwest?

Food sources for Native Americans of the northwest differed from those of the Native Americans living in the west and southwest because those in the northwest had plenty of seafood. They were able to supplement the meat that they hunted, and the vegetables they grew with fish, and shellfish.

Who owns the northwest native Americans or the government?

Native American do because they were here first

What effect did the arrival of the europeansto the northwest coast have on the native Americans living there?

The Native Americans lived happy with the national cap

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native americans

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Native Americans and the British

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