the cayuga tribe eats rabbits, deers, squirrels, beavers, moose, elk and such.
political power
as of now i don't know for sure but i guess they would have traded fur and other things, however i do know that the cayuga along with other tribes got really pissed when the french started to kill off all the animals in their land which lead up the Iroquois war.
The Seneca word for a long house was ganuñg'sî.Ganuñg'sîsne:'ha means "people of the longhouse".In Cayuga this is Gaenǫhsesgehonǫ.
All the Iroquois tribes spoke their own languages; they are classed as belonging to the Iroquoian language family and all are closely related, but they are definitely different from each other and from other Iroquoian languages such as Erie and Huron.For example the Oneida word for fire is o·tsísteˀ. In Cayuga it is ode:kaˀ.The Oneida word for bear is ohkwa·lí; in Cayuga it is hnyagwai'.The Oneida word for water is ohne·kán or ohne·kánus; in Cayuga it is ohneganohs.Only the last of these three words clearly shows the connection between these two related languages.
The six nations of the Iroquois Confederacy: Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga Seneca and Tuscarora.
The address of the Cayuga Branch Public Library is: 105 East Logan Street, Cayuga, 47928 0188
Cayuga Speedway was created in 1966.
Cayuga's Waiters was created in 1949.
The phone number of the Cayuga Branch Public Library is: 765-492-5810.
Cayuga Secondary School was created in 1963.
Cayuga Nature Center was created in 1981.
Cayuga Chamber Orchestra was created in 1976.
Cayuga Collegian was created on 1953-10-31.
Cayuga Community College was created in 1953.
"Niawen" is how you say "thank you" in Cayuga language.
any white on a cayuga duck is a disqualification in showing
Far Above Cayuga's Waters was created in 1870.