The Seneca word for a long house was ganuñg'sî.
Ganuñg'sîsne:'ha means "people of the longhouse".In Cayuga this is Gaenǫhsesgehonǫ.
the Indian tribe
Lenape,Seminole,Seneca,and Oneida.
The six nations of the Iroquois Confederacy: Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga Seneca and Tuscarora.
They lived in longhouses, like all the Iroquois tribes.
The Seneca Indians saved the pilgrims at Plymouth Rock. The Seneca Indians fed, housed, and fed the pilgrims when they arrived from Europe. Many Seneca tribes look at the Thanksgiving holiday as a day of mourning.
The native American Indian seneca name for a friend is Donehogawa.
The Seneca Indian word for grandmother is "gawee:kwa".
Seneca's mascot is an Indian chief? JT
Seneca Relich's birth name is Seneca Vincente Relich.
the Indian tribe
Cheektowaga came from the Seneca Indian word Chictawauga, meaning "land of the crabapples".
Lucio Anneo Seneca's birth name is Lucius Annaeus Seneca.
Yes, actually, they did.
My family genealogy includes Strawcutter's of Seneca Indian ancestry. I am currently looking for more information on them.
The address of the Seneca Indian Historical Society is: 12199 Brant Reservation Rd, Irving, NY 14081