well all mixed people look different... it just depends. but i am mixed & im half latino & half african. i hav lightish brown skin, super curly light brown hair, big lips, a small nose, and big brown eyes... i personally think dat mixed ppl r gourgeouus! idk y most of them r so insecure...! they so pretty!
I don't think anyone is trying to look like another race. Big lips and a creamy smooth tan skin have always been considered attributes of beauty. Some of the most beautiful women on the planet are mixed race and have these things naturally. ummm ok i understand u dunt want 2 admit it but yea it is tryna look black /brown/mixed whatevr but alot of white people try 2 hide from there featurs like skin complex, lips ext. yea i herd this white lady say she tanned evrydai 2 look golden brown so yea dont say its for smoth skin ....thats the truth me myself i have light brown smooth skin n im black so tell me what your trying to be......
people who have mixed European-African ancestries, and who are de-scribed as mulatto
The Adena Indians mostly lived in wigwams and tipis
people of mixed Indian and European background
The people of mixed Indian and European background
Joe Jonas probably doesn't have a problem with mixed people, as all people are equal nor matter what they look like.
Cubans and Dominicans. they look like black mixed with Asian, or kinda Hispanic.
here is a website with lots of mixed dog breeds and what they look like this is a pic. of a Pomeranian and Maltese hope you enjoy!!!!
Unfortunately no they do not.
They look like normal animals here on earth but sometimes can be mixed up.
they look like other penguins black and white'
It looks like:9 1/5
It looks like:26 1/2
13/9 is 1 4/9 as a mixed number.
They look and you but look away pretending to look at something else.
13.6 = 133/5