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For the most part, I think people respect him. The people that care about history do very much including me. So I'm shore there's people out there that don't like him for various reasons and that is there opinions and there's are different than mine.
he's cool but he needs better fashion he really does but over all he's cool

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With this cool thing in Washington D.C. called the Lincoln Memorial.

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Q: What do people say about Abraham Lincoln today?
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I'm not going to say yes or no, because that is something that people have to figure out for themselves. Abraham Lincoln was a great president, but some people hated him. So I won't say he's the best, because everyone has a different opinion.

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You can't entirely trust anyone but yourself. And you only tell the truth to yourself when you really listen and don't play tricks. Both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were known for their honesty, but this is because any lies they may have told were never widely reported. Today it is easy to get caught in a lie, and after that, people will doubt anything that you say.

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Why does answerscom lie and say that president lincoln was not black?

Simply because some people are not ready to except the truth, and in fact abraham lincoln's father was a slave.

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"...of the people, by the people, and for the people..." is a section taken from the Gettysburg Address given by President Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Did Abraham Lincoln say you reckon that people are only as happy as they make up there mind to be?

Yes, something along those lines

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You are a good president.

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It is hard to say what an embossed print of Abraham Lincoln would be worth. It would depend on the condition and the collectibility of the print.

What year did Abraham Lincoln say the Gettysburg address?

November 19 1863

When did Abraham Lincoln say Everybody Likes a Compliment?

He began a letter this way.

Why did Abraham Lincoln say the country was being tested?

Because of the civil war.

Was Abraham Lincoln's mother from an Ethiopian tribe?

There is no evidence that Abraham Lincoln's mother was biracial. According to William Herndon, Lincoln's law partner, Lincoln's mother was of African descent, from an Ethiopian tribe.