Necessary Evil refers to factions, such as interest groups and political parties.
The founders of the United States did not like the idea of having political parties (such as Republicans and Democrats, but there was no way around them, so they called them "necessary evils". This is found in federalist 10, written by James Madison.
You mean slavery in general, or the enslavement of black persons in America before about 1850? Slavery is not currently considered ethical. Some argue that without the enslavement of black persons, America would not have been able to establish it self as quickly as a self-reliant nation. Slavery is means to an end. Just like paying workers minimum wages, which they can just barely scrape by on, but which also makes a big business man wealthy, is a means to an end. Nothing is really evil, nor is it really necessary if you twist your veiw point enough.
what chu mean, "Answer for FLVS history?" Brah, do it yo self
it means settlers from England
Your dead? O___O're in trouble?
Fork in the road means a time when it is necessary to make a decision. Basically, calling something a "necessary evil" is one's way of rationalizing the act of doing something unacceptable/evil by saying that it is necessary. It could also mean something that is absolutely necessary to a country but in a sense it is evil.(truth be told, everything's evil in some sense except for god.)
not necessarily--opinions differ.
Un-sure of AC in terms "AFTER CHRIST" is a common one
it means to eat an ancient fruit
No. It's a neutral term, meaning "supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena." We reserve terms like "good" and "evil" for the intentions of the practitioners.
History means what has been written down and recorded weather in words or pictures or stories. Pre History means that it was before history itself was recorded.
no hello kitty DOES NOT MEAN EVIL. If you are a kitty lover you can check our store: woofdoggydawg . com
Simplifying in maths means exactly that: making it less complicated, and reducing it to the fewest terms necessary.
"No documented MI" means no documented (history of) mycardial infarction.
Usually refers to a primary source such as a journal, photograph, letter, etc.
evil evil
I don't know what you mean by 'evil tails'. If you mean Tails when he got hypnotized in Sonic Colors, then no, he was being evil against his own will.