Depends on who you are what it means. To Native Americans plains tribes a white buffalo was a sacred animal. As it was tribes like the Dakota Sioux used the buffalo for food, clothing, worship, and anything else they could glean from the buffalo.
The Native Americans of the great plains depended on the buffalo. They ate its meat and made their clothing and homes from its skins. White men's guns killed the buffalo depriving the Native Americans of food, clothing, and shelter. White men's cows ate the grass the buffalo needed. White men's fences prevented the buffalo from changing pastures. Thus, the white men made it impossible for the Native Americans to continue their relationship with the buffalo.
If you mean a buffalo hunter, They payed: $3.00 per hide $0.25 per tongue If you mean a buffalo soldier for the army, They payed in food shelter and $13 a month
Some of the Native Americans hunted buffalo and when the white people came they killed buffalo for fun and that hurt the native Americans because they hunted buffalo and they could not hunt very many because there weren't that many left
The Plains Indian Tribes were completely dependent on the buffalo as their source of food, shelter, and clothing. When the white men began destroying the buffalo for sport, the Indians were forced to accept government policy and conform to life on the Indian Reservations.
White means courage.
Watonka mean "White Buffalo". Good sign, see white buffalo. Blessing come back.
The duration of The White Buffalo is 1.62 hours.
The White Buffalo was created on 1977-05-06.
White-headed Buffalo Weaver was created in 1845.
which native americans? (there are hundreds of different tribes) & are u sure u don't mean white buffalo?
White buffaloes were rare and Native Americans considered them sacred. I imagine he was complimenting her.
If you mean the one by David Goodrich it was painted some time between 2000 and 2009.
The cast of White Buffalo - 2011 includes: Rungrawan Tonahongsa
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
male buffalo
Dead buffalo