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it means like a lake or a river

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Shane Gerhold

Lvl 13
2y ago
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15y ago

Creeks are like really small lakes or rivers.

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Q: What does creeks mean?
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When was Friends of Five Creeks created?

Friends of Five Creeks was created in 1996.

What is the number of bays and creeks of the western coast of the Arabian gulf?

32 bays and creeks

Five effects of urbanization on creeks or streams?

There are at least 5 effects of urbanization on creeks and streams including pollution. Other effects include habitat loss, endangering species, drying up of creeks and streams, and poisoning of anyone who drinks out of these creeks and streams.

Why do you think the creeks fought with the British?

i think that the creeks fougth with the British because they think that the British won most of the war

What US States have Colorado rivers or streams named after them?

There is the:Arkansas River,Colorado River,Florida River,Illinois River,Michigan River,Idaho Creek,Indiana Creek,Maryland Creek,Minnesota Creek,Montana Creek,Virginia Creek,Missouri Creek, (six different creeks),New York Creek, (two different creeks),Ohio Creek, (two different creeks),Pennsylvania Creek, (two different creeks),Tennesee Creek, (two different creeks), andTexas Creek, (of which there are seven different creeks).

What does 'yabbies' mean in Australia?

Yabbies are like a small fresh water prawn or cray fish. They are commonly found in creeks and scavange for food.

What are smaller streams called?


Are creeks wide or narrow?

They can be both.

What is tenant creeks population?


Can bull sharks live in creeks?

No. Bull sharks are to big to live in creeks. They can live in rivers and lakes ponds etc. Did that help?

How do creeks help in fishing?

Creeks have fish in them, and where they empty into larger bodies of water, their flow oxygenates the water, making fish bite better.

How do creeks eat?

Creeks eat with forks and knifes like other civilized Americans. Unless they are eating Chinese. Some have mastered the chopsticks.