While the "Native Americans," the Norse, the Chinese and perhaps others discovered America earlier, the discovery by Columbus in 1492 is considered the "official" date of discovery becasue that is the discovery from which the modern world descends.
what happened in the 1700s
In North America, nothing. Columbus has been said to have discovered 'America" in 1491, but that was basically only the Caribean islands and a few spots on the coasts of Middle and South America. The (east) coast of North America was first mapped and explored in 1497 by an expedition financed by a British/Welsh merchant called Richard Amerike.
North America discovered in Colorado
Women were oppressed.
the Chinese discovered America notchristopher Columbus the Chinese did
When the Europeans discovered the united states, focus became exploring North America.
What happened was that samuel de champlain was born i think and he discovered the inner parts of the st. lawrence river
He took with him 3 ships with him at the start of the first trip and of course he discovered america.
They most likely would have been killed and we might have not discovered America
Richard Hakluyt it was John Cabot
Amerigo Vespucci discovered that Asia was not a part of America. America was named after him.
What happened when Christopher Columbus returned home?
Your Mom, Discovered America
America was "discovered" not invented.
America has been known about by the public for 1,517 years. however it was already occupied for thousands of years by the native AmericansBy: Samuel F.
Christopher Columbus discovered the coast of South America. He also discovered the West Indies and Central America. He discovered the Bahamas, Cuba, and Haiti.