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Asia: Battle of Sekigahara:

Europe: Battle of Neiuwpoort:

Nothing really major was happening in other countries. However if you're looking for events in the US, here's a link to some important events around that time:


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flooding of the esturay by the river severn, bristol, UK.

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Jamestown, first successful attempt at colonizing the US.

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The invention of thetelescopebyGalileo Gelilei.

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There was no US in 1620. In 1607 Jamestown was established and in 1620 the Plymouth colony was established.

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what are major events from 1607-1877

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Jamestown was established

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mayflower compact

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The first Thanksgiving!

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Q: What important event happened in the year 1607?
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Pearl Harbor in 1941.

What happened during the year 1607?

in this time thay where in war with the freach and the indans

Why is the year 1607 so important?

Its an important date because in 1607 jamestown in virginia was founded. it was the first permanent english settlement in north america. This begins the american frontier

When was the Virginia colony established?

the year 1607 the year Jamestown was establishedIn 1607.May 14, 1607

Why is the date 1607 important?

If you mean the year, John Harvard was born and if you want more here is the link to Wikipedia:

What is important about 1607?

The year 1607 was when the Jamestown settlement began in what became Virginia. It was the first successful permanent settlement in the English New World.

What important event happened in the year 1924?

Leopold & Loeb murdered Bobby Franks, resulting in the first "Crime of the Century".

Why do you Festival are important event in the working year?

Festivals are important event, it will tells the culture and traditions. Festivals tells how important that day, on that what we can do tells, so important event in working year.

What year was Jamestown built?

It was built the year of 1607. Full date: May 14, 1607

Why do you think Festival are important event in the working year?

Festivals are important event, it will tells the culture and traditions. Festivals tells how important that day, on that what we can do tells, so important event in working year.

In what year the did England establish the colony in Jamestown Virginia?

in 1607

What happened in 1817?

An important event that happened in 1817 was Mississippi becoming a state. The Second Bank of the United States opened in this year as well, and the New York Stock Exchange was created.