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Q: What is An administrative reservation of funds by the local comptroller in anticipation of a future obligation?
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Reprogramming thresholds are limits that determine the amount of funds an agency can reallocate within different appropriations categories without seeking additional approval from Congress. These thresholds can vary depending on the specific category of appropriations, allowing agencies more flexibility in managing their budgets.

What rhymes with ratification?

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What rhymes with precipitation?

proclamation, anticipation, obligation. not exactly the best. but i tried(:

What is the legal reservation of funds to make a future payment of money?


What are the kinds of obligation?

1.PuRe oBliGAtIon 2.cOnDItIonAl oBligAtiOn 3.oBliGatIon wItH a pErIod4.aLtErnAtiVe obLIgAtiOn 5.facultatIve oBliGatIon 6.jOiNt oBliGatIon7.sOlIdAry oBliGAtiOn 8.dIvIsiBle obLigAtion 9.inDiViSiBle oBLigAtion10.oBlIGatIOn wIth a pEnaL cODe

How is obligation extinguished?

Obligation is extinguished by fulfilling the obligation as promised or as required.

What is the example of conditional obligation?

A conditional obligation is obligation with a condition. ex... I will support your studies in college if Mr. A dies.

A word for something owned to another?

debt, obligation, duty, responsibilitydebt, obligation, duty, responsibilitydebt, obligation, duty, responsibilitydebt, obligation, duty, responsibility

Use obligation in a sentene?

I have an obligation to attend the meeting tomorrow.

What is a conditional obligation?

A conditional obligation is an obligation that is only triggered if a certain condition or event occurs. This means that the obligation to perform or fulfill the duty is dependent on the specified condition being met. If the condition is not satisfied, the obligation may not need to be fulfilled.

What is a real obligation?

A real obligation in the Philippines setting is the obligation to give. A thing must be deliver by the obligor to the obligee.

What are the different kind of obligations?

what are the different kinds of obligation