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What’s madam C.J. walkers favorite hair product

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Q: What is Madam C J Walker's favorite food?
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What is madame c j walkers address?

Madam Walker has two National Historic Landmarks: The Madam Walker Theatre Center at 617 Indiana Avenue in Indianapolis, IN and Villa Lewaro, the mansion she built on Broadway in Irvington-on-Hudson, NY in Westchester County.

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he does not have a favorite food

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he does not have a favorite food

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man why you asking all these questions man what you need is a life GO GET ONE! oh and STOP ASKING ALL THESE QUESTIONS c ya

What did madam cj walkers hairgrowing lotion do?

Well, honey, Madam C.J. Walker's hair-growing lotion was supposed to help with hair loss and promote hair growth. It was marketed towards Black women dealing with hair issues. Some folks swear by it, others not so much. But hey, it was a big deal back in the day.

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Vinny's Favorite Fast Food Restaurant is Wendy's! c:

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Who was madam cj walkers daughter?

Answer #2: Madam Walker's daughter, who was the child of her marriage to Moses McWilliams, originally was named Lelia. She later changed her name to A'Lelia Walker, taking the surname of her mother's third husband, Charles Joseph Walker. She was a central figure of the Harlem Renaissance.Source: On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C. J. Walker by A'Lelia BundlesAnswer #1: Her name was Leila.

How much money was Madam C.J. Walkers business worth?

When she died in 1919, the value of her company was estimated to have been worth about $2 million, based on current sales that year and sales potential. That would be about $20 million in today's dollars. Source: On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C. J. Walker by A'Lelia Bundles

Who was Madam C. J. Walker?

Madam C. J. Walker had one sister, named Louvenia Breedlove Powell. Source: On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C. J. Walker by A'Lelia Bundles

How old was Madam C. J. Walker at death?

Madam C. J. Walker died on May 25, 1919 at the age of 51.