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Q: What is a Native American word for a hardwood tree that produces a small nut?
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What hardwood tree which you know starts with an h that produces a small nut?


What is a hardwood tree that produces a small nut?

Its a hickory

Which native American shelter was made by tying together trunks of small trees?

which Native American shelter was made by trying together trunks of small trees

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What is Michael Jackson mixed with?

He was African American but had small percentage of Native American and white heritage.

Where did Arizona get their name from?

From a native American term, adopted by the Spanish, that means "small spring".

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How do you say small but mighty in native American?

There is no "Native American " language. Several million people belong to separate tribes with their own languages. Name a tribe and if the language still exists your question can be answered.

What is Johnny Depp descended to?

He is mostly French with a small amount of Native American back to his great-grandmother.

How did Michael Jackson feel about native Americans?

He felt for native Americans it is likt the song 'black or White'.

Native American groups got most of their food by?

Most were hunter gatherer tribes (opportunistic) with small agricultural communities.