the native Americans hunted buffalos, fish ,deers,and birds, small games, such as rabbits.
To hunt, fight, and scare off things that may harm the Native Americanenvironment.
they lived out their like every native american did but they used everything they hunt. like made weapon with bone and drums with skin and ate meat.
The radical Native American group that called for Native American lands to be returned is the American Indian Movement.
A painting depicting native American land.
there is no such word in the native American vocabulary.
they hunted for buffalo
in amirca
Well the native Americans hunt for food such as fruits and animals so they are a bit like hunter gatherers
they hunt for it
To hunt, fight, and scare off things that may harm the Native Americanenvironment.
The Native Americans helped the Pilgrims survive by showing them how to plant, hunt, and fish.
The east, n00b.
Anywhere in the U.S. where hunting is permitted and areas in the Reservation
Native Americans learning to use horses to hunt is an example of adaptation.
Native Americans taught pilgrims how to grow crops native to America. They also taught them how to fish, as well as hunt.