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A military action is an action carried out by armed forces. A military action could be just the National Guard helping flood victims or it could be the invasion of a city by military personnel.

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Q: What is a military action?
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Why was the Holocaust not seen as a military action?

For the simple reason that slaughtering defenceless civilians in order to commit genocide is not a military action.

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There are no specific restrictions on when he can use his military power. He does not have to ask permission to order military action. Only Congress can declare war and appropriate the money for long-term military action, so that is something a check on his use of military force.

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the authorization for use of military force that was passed by Congress. The President alone does not have the authority to initiate military action without congressional approval, so Congress needed to be persuaded by the justification and reasoning behind the military action.

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The President must always get Congressional approval when taking military action?

False. The President is the commander-in-cheif of the nations military, and can take any military action he pleases. However, that does not mean that congress has to fund it, or support it.

Who favored stronger military action in Vietnam?

the USA.