Append or add as an extra or subordinate part, esp. to a document.
A building joined to or associated with a main building, providing additional space or accommodations.
The US did not annex any territory in 1989.
kind of... at first we went to annex it by asking (telling) the leader of Hawaii that we were going to annex them, but they said no, so we came back later ( like 6 months to a year) with battle ships and army and threatened them. They then let us annex them :)
dominican republic
An annex to a document is typically considered legally binding if referenced in the main document and agreed upon by all parties involved. It should outline specific terms or additional information relevant to the main agreement. Failure to comply with the annex could lead to a breach of contract.
"Annex" is the singular form. The plural form would be "annexes".
The correct spelling is "annex."
An annex is an extension of or an addition to a building. A small room off of a main room is an annex, and attics are another type of annex.
It is the same: annex.
It did not annex Texas.
1948, one more Free-state had to be emitted and terms with mexico got weaker until war.
The possessive form for the noun annex is annex's.Example: The expected date for the annex's completion is in July.
The word annex is both a noun (annex, annexes) and a verb (annex, annexes, annexing, annexed); for example: Noun: They built an annex to the hospital for outpatient services. Verb: We were able to annex the adjoining property for very little cost because it was abandoned by its owner.
The word 'annex' functions as a noun or a verb.Example sentence for the noun 'annex' as subject of the sentence:The annex is located across the street from the main library.Example sentence for the noun 'annex' as direct object of the verb:The hospital added an annex to serve as an outpatient clinic.Example sentence for the verb 'annex':The US decided to annex Hawaii as a territory despite the dubious legality of the act.
Yes, Italy was annex Tunisia.
The past tense of annex is annexed.