Political action committee and lobbyist are other names for interest group.
social interest group
Agricultural Interest Group <3krystal
Lobbyists are the interest group that represent business firms or professionals.
to influence government officials
An organization becomes an interest group "whenever it tries to influence the actions of government in order to promote its own goals and special interests."
A representative for a [special] interest group is known as a "lobbyist"
A lobbyist
An interest group
interest group are private organizations whose member share certain views and work to shape public policy.An interest group is an organization where members share common concerns, and try to influence governments to address the impact those concerns. Another common name for an interest group is a special interest group. An interest group would be a social collection of people who share common interests or hobbies. This would be a group of people who enjoy doing the same things such as playing Video Games or sewing.
Another name for the group 17 elements is the halogens.
A lobbyist
interest group
interest group
interest group
FEDECOR is a public interest group
group 18
group 16 (apex)