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to influence government officials

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Q: What is the purpose of an interest group?
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what is a group of people who join together for a common purpose or interest?

A clique

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a group of people identified by a shared interest or purpose business

What is the main purpose of a interest group?

to influence legislators in favor of one particular issue

The primary concern or goal of an interest group is?

The ultimate goal of any interest group is to have their specific interests met, especially concerning laws and decisions made in Congress.

Is iVillage a general purpose portal for all women or a vertical portal?

General purpose portal since it does not target just one interest group

What is the main purpose of interest group?

to influence legislators in favor of one particular issue

Is Fedecor a sectional interest group or public interest group?

FEDECOR is a public interest group

Is Planned Parenthood an interest group?

An interest group (also advocacy group, lobby group, pressure group or special interest group) is an organized collection of people who seek to influence political decisions so yes, planned parenthood is an interest group An interest group (also advocacy group, lobby group, pressure group or special interest group) is an organized collection of people who seek to influence political decisions so yes, planned parenthood is an interest group

How is the NAACP a special interest group?

They are a Special Interest Group.