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Sectionalism is another word for favoring one section of the country over another

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Q: What is favoring one section of the country over another section?
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Partisan, biased, unfair are possible words.

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Israel did not take over another country.

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A foreign occupation is when Another Country invades and takes over another county.

What is it called the oneCountry takes over another country?

It is called annexation when one country takes over another country and incorporates it into its own territory without the consent of the other country.

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No country should take over another country.

What is domination by one country over another country or region?

It is Imperialism.

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One country's control over another is typically referred to as imperialism or colonialism, where a more powerful country exerts influence, control, or authority over a less powerful country or region.

What does unabiased mean?

Unbiased means not favoring one side or perspective over another. It involves making decisions or providing information based on facts and logic rather than personal beliefs or preferences.