method 1 : Artificial rain is produced by spraying clouds with substances like Silver Iodide (costly) or cheaper ones like solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) or even finely powdered Sodium Chloride. The process is called seeding. method 2 : The process involved in artificial rain-making involves three easy-to-understand stages. The first stage is agitation. That is using chemicals to stimulate the air mass upwind of the target area to rise and form rain clouds. The chemicals used during this stage are calcium chloride calcium carbide, calcium oxide, a compound of salt and urea, or a compound of urea and ammonium nitrate. These compounds are capable of absorbing water vapour from the air mass, thus stimulating the condensation process. The second stage is called building-up stage. Here the cloud mass is built up using chemicals such as kitchen salt, the T.1 formula, urea, ammonium nitrate, dry ice, and occasionally also calcium chloride to increase nuclei which also increase the density of the clouds. In the third stage of bombardment chemicals such as super-cool agents: silver iodide and dry ice are used to reach the most unbalanced status which builds up large beads of water (Nuclei) and makes them fall down as raindrops. In planning every stage a high degree of expertise and experience is required, in selecting the types and amounts of chemicals to be used, while taking into consideration weather conditions, topographical conditions, wind direction and velocity as well as the location or delimitation of the area for chemical seeding. Several other ideas are also involved in rain making. Rockets containing rain-making chemicals can be fired into the clouds either from the ground or from aircraft. A jet of rain-making chemicals is shot from a highly pressurised cannister directly into the cloud base, so as to coerce clouds which normally hang above mountain tops to cluster up and rain on the mountain or their slopes. Rain-making chemicals are added to super-cooled clouds, i.e., those at altitudes above 18,000 metres, to stimulate the formation of ice crystals in the cloud or cloud cluster.
In 1947, New Hampshire was the first state to use artificial rain. This occurred near Concord, New Hampshire for the purpose of combating a forest fire in the region.
An artificial leg works by sending signal to the sensor which senses the movement of the artificial leg.
Joseph Swan was inspired by Edison's incandescent light bulb to extrude filaments of artificial silk. This artificial silk was woven into fabric, which today is called rayon.
The Anasazi's used bones for weapons so they could kill the animals they hunted. Mammoths, buffaloes, deer, rabbits and other animals were on the menu for the Anasazi. The Anasazi used the remains of the animals they hunted for clothes and weapons.Horns, antlers, and tusks were used for weapons while fur and wool were used for clothes.
in Alaska
The chemical formula for an artificial sweetener will depend upon which artificial sweetener was used.
what state started using artifacal rain in 1947
by cloud seeding we can produced artificial rain .!!
New Hampshire
New Hampshire
Meitnerium is an artificial chemical element and has not uses.
New Hampshire
induced rain
Ununquadium is an artificial chemical element without practical uses.
Chemicals like sodium iodide were initially used but now potassium chloride is preferred over sodium iodide as it has some side effects but then too even sodium iodide is still used.
In 1947, New Hampshire was the first state to use artificial rain. This occurred near Concord, New Hampshire for the purpose of combating a forest fire in the region.
All the materials are chemical products, natural or artificial.