rights to settlers to tax local Native Americans or to make them work. In exchange these settlers were supposed to protect the Native American people and convert them to Christianity.
The civil service system is a system of hiring and promoting employees based upon the merit system. The merit system is the opposite of the spoils system.
the system was called the headright system.
The Pueblo Indians had no monetary system; instead they used the barter system for trading with other groups.
The plantation system was the division of the land into smaller parcels that were under private ownership. The plantation system started in Virginia.
brief summary on barter system
Ecomienda was labor system that was employed mainly by the spanish monarchs
Take care of the native people
Take care of the native people
Landowners were supposed to care for their workers welfare.
he eventually opposed all slavery
he eventually opposed all slavery
Under this system, Native Americans were required to farm, ranch or mine for the profit of an individual Spaniard.
the priest Bartolme de Las Casas traveled through New Spain working for reform. largely due to Las Casas's efforts the government of Spain ordered reform of the ecomienda system in the mid - 1500s.
The Encomienda system provided cheap labor source for Spain. It also provided more lands, more settlers, as well as military protection.
the ecomienda system was bad for the american indians because the spanish made them do hard labour which caused them to die. They were given scarce amount of food. They were also traded for african american slaves. it was good for the spanish because they made American Indians work and they got gold and silver and all kinds of precious items from them
Lesley Byrd Simpson has written: 'Many Mexicos' 'The ecomienda in New Spain' 'The Encomienda in New Spain' -- subject(s): History
Both indigenous populations under the encomienda system and African slaves on plantations in the New World faced harsh labor conditions, exploitation, cultural suppression, and high rates of mortality. They were both subjected to forced labor, abuse, and had little to no control over their own lives or destinies. Additionally, both groups experienced loss of land, culture, and autonomy due to the oppressive systems in place.