to start, the Woodland Cree are a type of Aboriginal tribe. there are also the Plains Cree as well. wood lands cree is awesome!
There is the drum, the pipe and the sweetgrass.
the plains cree had prairie land whereas the woodlands cree lived in a more lively habitat. The Plains Cree used to live in tepees and hunted mainly buffalo, much like the other neighboring plains nations; with the advent of the horse these Plains cultures flourished. Woodlands Cree lived in wigwams (conical structures) similar to the plains, but hunted moose, deer and fished. Woodland Cree commuted the rivers in canoes as a means of transport. There are also dialect differences with some Woodlands and Plains Cree. Also, the dialect of "Y" is used by the Plains Cree and some Woodlands Cree use the "TH" dialect. The Plains Cree also tend to speak in a more sedate (slower) manner and the northern Woodlands speak faster.
"My grandmother" in Cree is "nôhkom." However "your grandmother" in Cree is "kookum."
kîhipa meaning hurry in cree
The Cree people's tools were also known as (project points) were spears,pottery,bangles,chisles and scrapers.Cree people used all of these tools daily,and took time using them because it was hard and time working.
They live in Woodland Cree.
woodland shelter
they played lacrosse
they grow up to be Strong proud Cree men and Women
They live in Woodland Cree.
There is the drum, the pipe and the sweetgrass.
One important animal symbol of the Woodland Cree is the eagle. It is considered as the most sacred of birds. It is believed to carry prayers to the Creator.