The pacific northwest Indians ate whales,seals,seal lions,and fish
You are doing the History packet, don't use the internet please!
the methods they might use is to go to war and fight for the land
what kind of weponds were used in the 1800's
This is one use of the word "imperialism."
Thomas Jefferson wrote the Ordinance of 1784 which was significantly different from the Ordinance of 1787(A.K.A. the Northwest Ordinance). although most of the ideas from the Ordinance of 1784 were carried over into the revised document, Thomas Jefferson was not involved in writing the Ordinance of 1787 except for leaving behind a framework for others to use.
your mom's house
what did they use
they use the kids
Whales, bone, spears, Harpoons...
Spears, lances, harpoons, fishing nets, etc.
The Indians of the Pacific Northwest used Cedar to create their bows.
they used the word HI
a starfish does not have a spine.
The Northwest Passage sought by early European explorers runs from the Atlantic to the Pacific through the Arctic Archipelago. It was considered impassable then because of ice and weather but is currently in use.