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Zonin laws were passed in order to stop factory owners from building factories in the sections of the city where the people lived. This helped improve living conditions for city dwellers.

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Q: What laws were passed in order to stop factory owners from building factories in the sections of the city where the people lived?
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Southern slave owners criticized factory owners in the North because?

Type your answer here... free factory workers were treated worse than slaves.

Why did congress pass the Tariff of 1816?

To protect American factory owners against competition from British manufacturers

Why would southern slave holders say that they treat their slaves better than northern factory owners did their free labor factor workers?

because southern slaves are stupid

Evaluate the factory system from the perspective of owners and workers and assess the impact of the factory system on the rise of labor movements in the period before the civil war?

Industrialization changed not just the world's economies, but also its societies. Hundreds of thousands of men and woman moved from rural areas to cities to work in factories, where they experienced both the benefits and the costs of industrialization. The standard of living of the new working class was significantly higher than those of the rural poor. Many of those people who moved from farm to factory experienced improvement in nutrition, other material circumstances, even some in their health. These people also suffered from psychological effects of being "uprooted" from one way of life to a new. Factory owners, the new class of industrial capalists, were coming into extreme unprecedented wealth. They dealt with workers impersonally and the result was a growing schism between the 2 classes, each lacking access to or understand of the other. Working men and woman throughout the world began thinking of themselves as a distinct class, with common goals and interests. Battles between workers and employers became a characteristic feature of industrial life throughout the world

Who benefited most from Tariff of 1816?

America really benefitted in the end because of the Tariff of 1816. Since the tariff raised the price of British goods, our American products were cheaper, making our products the more popular buy. Americans started to buy America made products instead of foreign nations goods, who receive the profit. Our country's nationalism grew becasue of this.

Related questions

What laws were passed in order to stop factory owners from building factories in the section of the city were the people lived?

Zonin laws were passed in order to stop factory owners from building factories in the sections of the city where the people lived. This helped improve living conditions for city dwellers.

What laws were passed in order to stop factory owners from building factories?

Zoning are laws that are passed in order to stop factory owners from building factories. Zoning laws vary from city to city.

What laws were passed in order to stop factory owners from building factories in cities where people lived?

The laws that were passed in order to stop factory owners from building factories in cities where people lived were known as zoning laws. They prohibited any activity that would encroach other people's activities.

How did the factory owners benefit from industrialization?

Factory owners were in fact "industrialization". Because the industrial base of the North was a significant one, it allowed factory owners to buy equipment from other factories to replace worn parts and add to their factory's output.

Why would factory owners want to set up factories in other countries?

To make money or more money.

How did factory owners react to unionization?

Factory owners reacted with violence

Why were the northern factory owners against the spread of slavery?

On a personal point of view basis, Northern factory owners saw slavery as inhumane. However, for business purposes, they wanted to attract workers from the agricultural South to work in factories in the North.

Why did factory owners need capital?

Because 'capital' is the money that can be used to produce more wealth, i.e. profit. The goal of the factory owners in the 19th century was the same as of today's factory owners. They want to become rich, of course. If they have capital, they can invest some part of it to make their business (shop, factory) larger and to make their factories more productive by buying newer and newer machines which produce more products in a shorter period of time. Of course the factory owners have to pay the costs of the production (energy, raw material, shipping expenses, wages for workers, taxes). The remaining amount of money is their profit.

What was the reaction of people to Richard arkwright's spinning frame?

They were unsure at first but after the invention was taken into factories , people realised how efficient it was and became popular and in demand from many factory owners.

How did Britains agricultural revolution help it industrialize early?

it meant that factories needed less people. this meant that factory owners became more wealthy and products were made faster

How did factory owners respond to these demands?

Workers were resistant to the changes in the factories. This was mostly because employers were making efficiency improvements by making the workers do more work for the same pay.

How did Britain's agricultural revolution help it It industrialize early?

it meant that factories needed less people. this meant that factory owners became more wealthy and products were made faster