One phrase that Uncle Sam is famous for saying is 'I was you for the U.S. Army'. Uncle Sam was first used in the War of 1812.
uncle sam had a nick name by one if the souders but his real name was sam willison:D
Uncle Sam is a symbol of the United States, and never a real person, so he did not have a wife.
One symbol used in World War 1 was "Uncle Sam", the red-white-and-blue clad image created by James Montgomery Flagg.
he invented the cat and the dog he invented the cat and the dog
One phrase that Uncle Sam is famous for saying is 'I was you for the U.S. Army'. Uncle Sam was first used in the War of 1812.
Uncle Sam
he is Americas symbol
Uncle Sam!
Uncle Sam .
Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam, R.P.I. and Hot Dog Charlies
The phrase was originally used on army recruitment posters during World War I.
Al Green is NOT Cee Lo Green's famous uncle!!! Sam Moore, of the FAMOUS Sam & Dave team back in the late 60's is his uncle! Do your research before you post a stupid answer! Thank God they didn't ask about brain surgery! Someone would be dead! haha!
Uncle Sam... US.
The USA used Uncle Sam on their recruiting posters.