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1. The protestant reformations.

They created space for individual thinking and enquiring. it also created individualism i.e self contendness both of which were related to the notion of free will and choice. The protestant reformation introduced the idea that salvation was individual, it meant that people could make choices or exercise free will which further meant that they had to gather information and synthesis it or evaluate it in order to make use of such a decision.

2. Political revolution

They overthrew monarchial systems that were legitimized by the clergy. They introduced the idea of freedom and liberty which meant people would think more of their issues and behaviours. The revolutions introduced democracy as a form of government which meant people could no longer attribute their problems to the super naturals but to the failures of the government. It also meant the solutions of the problems could come from the people themselves. Hence the emergence of sociology as a discipline to solve their social problems.

3. Industrial revolution.

This marked the transformation of society from agricultural based(RURAL) to indusrial(URBAN) based society. The factoey production sysytem was the cental system of this transformation. With the factory system there was mass production which meant employment of large numbers of people who came from diverse cultural settings. the factory system created problems like congestion, pollution, and deviant behaviours like prostitution, suicide, crime, urban riot etc which needed to be studied and controlled hence the emergence of sociology to address these problems.

4. The growth of physical and biological sciences.

This provided a point of reference for modelling sociology.

Like the physical sciences sociology began looking at the cause-effect relationship in human behaviour. Also like the biologicall sciences it began to look at the society as an organism with interdependent parts thet were functinally intergrated. This frame of seeing society as an organism is used till today.


This lead to the contact of europeans with other societies and cultures that were very different from their own. Hence they needed to explain the difference and therefore sociology.

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Sociology is defined as the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society. The factors that led to the emergence of sociology as a separate discipline are Inequality and class structure in the society, criminal deviance and changes in population.

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French Revolution

Industrial revolution


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The rise of the industrial economy and growth of cities.

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racks on rack

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Q: What social and political factors led to the emergence of sociology as a separate discipline?
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What social and political factors led to the emergence of sociology as a discipline?

Sociology is defined as the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society. The factors that led to the emergence of sociology as a separate discipline are Inequality and class structure in the society, criminal deviance and changes in population.

How long have sociologists been around?

Sociology emerged as a separate discipline in the mid-19th century, with the work of early sociologists like Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim. So, sociologists have been around for a little over 150 years.

Why and how sociology emerged in the 1800?

Sociology emerged in the 1800s as a response to the social changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution and urbanization. Sociologists like Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim sought to understand and analyze these changes in society using a scientific approach, focusing on social dynamics, structures, and institutions. This led to the development of sociology as a separate discipline from philosophy and other social sciences.

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Sociology as a discipline did not originate in 1492. It emerged during the 19th century, with seminal figures like Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, and Emile Durkheim contributing to its development. The formal establishment of sociology as a separate academic field began in the mid-1800s.

What are the contribution of Auguste Comte in sociology?

Auguste Comte is known as the father of sociology for establishing the field as a separate discipline. He developed the concept of positivism, emphasizing the use of scientific methods to study society and social relationships. Comte also introduced the idea of social evolution, proposing that societies progress through stages of development.

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