Elizabeth Cady Stanton married to Henry Brewster Stanton in 1840
Elizabeth Eckford is still alive.
Elizabeth was born in New York City, August 28, 1774, and died at Emmitsburg, Maryland, January 4, 1821.
They Were born in the 1880s and died in 1911 and the 1940s
Henry Ford lived from 1863 to 1947.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton lived in New York throughout her life.
elizabeth cady stanton probably lived in her house or her palace.Her palace is probably quite big and thats where she must have lived in her early years
Scenca Falls New York
He lived and his plays were performed under King James I and Queen Elizabeth I.
Felicity and Elizabeth live in Colonial Williamsburg in 1776.
Saturday Night Live - 1975 Harry Dean Stanton The Replacements 11-7 was released on: USA: 18 January 1986
There are several saints named Elizabeth. Which one were you referring to?
Yea she do live with her mom
In Elizabeth