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Leisure time in the colonies was ether reading or writing. Back in the old days they did not play they would clean the house or make soap help there mom make an quilt, etc..

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10y ago

Nothing, "Colonies" are not people - did you mean "colonists"?

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cj padgett is a batata

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Q: What was Leisure time in southern colonies?
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What southern colonies?

the southern colonies were places.

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the new England colonies, the middle colonies, and the southern colonies

What are three types of colonies?

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the southern coloniesthe southern colonies

Who sattle in the southern colonies?

The English settled in the Southern Colonies.

How southern colonies got their food?

Southern colonies got their food through trade and growing their own crops. At the time, they used slaves to gather the most of their food.

What do the Southern colonies do?

the southern colonies did were farm and made little buniess.

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Southern Colonies.

Leisure activities in the middle colonies?

There were many leisure activities that the middle colonies participated in. Card games, sporting events, board games, socializing with friends, and gambling were popular in colonial times.

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What were the reasons why the southern colonies were found?

The southern colonies were founded because it was discovered that these colonies were rich in Natural Resources. People thought that the southern colonies would make them rich.