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The Treaty of Paris, signed in 1783, ended the Revolutionary War, indicated that Britain recognized the new USA government, set its boundaries, set fishing limits, and so on.

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Great Britain recognized American independence and granted boundaries

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Q: What was theTreaty of Paris?
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Where was theTreaty of Paris 1783 signed?


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What was theTreaty of Versailles was formed?

okay the Treaty of Versailles was a treaty that Germany had to sing the final Paris peace settlement of Paris and Germany .It was signed near Paris on June 28, 1919Germany considered it a harsh peace and unhappy with article 231the "Guilt Wart Clause" made Germany responsible for war. Germany had to pay reparations for all the allied government and the people that suffered . Their Military had to reduce to .They lost land

What method did you acquire Guam?

The United States took control of the island in the 1898 during the Spanish-American War, as part of theTreaty of Paris (1898). Guam came to serve as a station for American ships traveling to and from the Philippines, while the Northern Mariana Islands passed to Germany, and then to Japan.

What was theTreaty that ended World War 1 and created nine new countries from the area held by Germany and Austria- Hungary?

The Treaty of Versailles. [It is interesting to note that no Peace Treaty to end WW2 has as yet been even discussed].

Does Paris France have states?

No, Paris in France does not have states.No, Paris in France does not have states.No, Paris in France does not have states.No, Paris in France does not have states.No, Paris in France does not have states.No, Paris in France does not have states.No, Paris in France does not have states.No, Paris in France does not have states.No, Paris in France does not have states.No, Paris in France does not have states.No, Paris in France does not have states.

What is the name of a France-Paris airport?

There are two airports in Paris. Paris-Orly just south of Paris, and Paris- Charles De Gaulle, north of Paris.

What is the duration of Paris Is Always Paris?

The duration of Paris Is Always Paris is 1.83 hours.

Why was the treaty of signed in Paris?

The Treaty of Paris was signed in Paris because France created the treaty and it was signed in Paris.

How do you spell the name Paris?

Paris is spelled Paris

Is France in Paris or Paris in France?

Paris is in France

Was the Treaty of Paris in Paris?

Yes, it was signed in Paris