The Californian gold fever was the want and need to search for as much gold until their bodies give out. It affected people because people were hunting left and right, and some even died just looking and searching for gold.
Gold fever is not an actual disease. It is an expression which means the greed and excitement associated with a gold rush.
Sutters mill was a mill owned by some dude by the name of John W. Marshall. He discovered some gold in it prior to the Gold Rush. His secret somehow spread and that is how the Californian Gold Rush began. Remember, the gold rush is what caused thousands of people into the state, and eventually the gold rush led to California becoming a state.
The Gold Rush in Canada helped boost the economy. This gold rush also brought a lot of people into Canada.
merchants or people who owned stores were however the people who made the most money in the California gold rush, because they made the miners who were looking for gold pay extra for food and shelter because the miners had no choice but to pay for these things!
It affected the population. It changed from a small amount to an abundance.
the californian gold rush was in the 19th century in the 1840's- 1850's.
They were nicknamed the 49ers because the Californian gold rush took place in 1849.
Miners kept on striking it rich so people started calling the need or gold GOLD FEVER
Quicksilver, also known as mercury, was the mineral that caused fever in people in California in 1849. It was discovered during the Gold Rush that mercury was used to extract gold from ore, but prolonged exposure to mercury vapor or ingestion can cause symptoms such as fever, hence the term "mercury fever."
The Californian gold rush!
Gold mining effects us by the gold fever many people have. ):-(
Gold cradles were believed to have developed out of the Californian gold rush of the late 1840s.
People went flocking to the gold fields to seek their fortune. They got "Gold Fever" which meant that you were addicted to digging for gold.
first off gold fever is not an actual disease. it's a mental state. it's the obsessive need to find gold. and to amass as much of it as possible.
Gold cradles were believed to have developed out of the Californian gold rush of the late 1840s.
Maybe Gold. This might be referring to the California Gold Rush