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The National Grange is an organized U.S. fraternity. It specializes in establishing economic and political involvement in agriculture and community.

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Q: What was the National Grange?
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Continue Learning about U.S. History

What was the first sizable political organization formed by united state farmers?

national grange

A national assication of famers which started shortly after the civil was the?


National farmers alliance and industrial union which another name for is?

Farmers Alliance Southern Farmers Alliance The Grange

Who came to get Linton at the Grange?

Joseph came to get Linton at the Grange.

What decision did Lockwood make concerning the Grange?

he did not want to rent the grange again

Related questions

What was the gold of the national grange?

The gold of the national grange was to became rish

When was Hamilton Grange National Memorial created?

Hamilton Grange National Memorial was created in 1802.

What was the first sizable political organization formed by united state farmers?

national grange

The National Grange lobbied state governments to pass what laws?

The National Grange lobbied state governments to regulate railroad rates.

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What year was The National Grange was formed in?


Farmer's organization that began as a secret social group?

The National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry; or better known as the Grange

What group called for shorter hours for workers and national income tax?

national grange

A national association of farmers which started shortly after the civil was the?


A national associatiion of farmers which started shortly after the Civil was the?

The Grange.

A tenement in a large city?

National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry

A national assication of famers which started shortly after the civil was the?
