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The lucrative Northern fur trade

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Q: What was the main focus of French exploration and colonization through the 17th century in North America?
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How did Spanish and french in the new world differ?

The Spanish were interested in acquiring wealth through gold and silver, and France was interested in acquiring wealth through the fur trade. However, France wasn't especially interested in colonization. The French established a few settlements, but most of their construction efforts were trading posts and forts. In addition, the Spanish worked in southern North America and South America; the French worked in northern North America

How did the Native Americans influence the early American colonies?

becauseThe start of the European colonization of the Americas is typically dated to 1492, although there was at least one earlier colonization effort. The first known Europeans to reach the Americas were the Vikings ("Norse") during the 11th century, who established several colonies in Greenland and one short lived settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows in the area the Norse called Vin land, present day Newfoundland. Settlements in Greenland survived for several centuries, during which time the Greenland Norse and the Inuit people experienced mostly hostile contact. By the end of the 15th century, the Norse Greenland settlements had collapsed[1].In 1492, a Spanish expedition headed by Christopher Columbus reached the Americas, after which European exploration and colonization rapidly expanded, first through much of the Caribbean Sea region (including the islands of Hispaniola, Puerto Rico and Cuba) and, early in the 16th century, parts of the mainlands of North and South America. Eventually, the entire Western Hemisphere would come under the domination of European nations, leading to profound changes to its landscape, population, and plant and animal life. In the 19th century alone over 50 million people left Europe for the Americas.[2] The post-1492 era is known as the period of the Colombian Exchange

How did religion impact the colonization of America?

One of the reasons why religion impacted the colonization of America was their religion (Christianity) helped them get through the hard winters and tasks, etc. So basically it helped them get through the hardships of colonizing. ALSO Religious freedom is what started the whole colonization in the first place. So basically where they were before they weren't allowed to practice their religion so they went across the pond to do so freely. I hope this helped :)

When was the headright system created?

1618 lasting through the seventeenth century

What disease came to America through the columbian exchange?


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How does mercantilism encouraged exploration and colonization?

it was mainly the ambition of them gaining more power. this was only possible through ownership of other territories; therefor, colonization was the key. also, they wanted to export more and import less. :)

How did the book The Shipwreck spread Spanish influence in North America?

The book "The Shipwreck" by Cabeza de Vaca portrayed Spanish explorers as heroes and helped to shape the perception of Spanish colonization in North America. Through vivid descriptions of their encounters with indigenous peoples and landscapes, the book enhanced Spain's reputation and influence in the region. This romanticized view of Spanish exploration and colonization in "The Shipwreck" contributed to the spread of Spanish influence in North America.

America's native literature came after the popularity of literature in the 17th century?

Native American literature has a long history dating back centuries before the arrival of Europeans in North America. It existed in the form of oral traditions, myths, and stories passed down through generations. The written literature by Native American authors emerged alongside the European colonizers' literature in the 17th century, contributing unique perspectives and voices to American literary traditions.

Economic Progress under America?

There was much economic progress in America during European colonization, during the 16th through 18th centuries. In modern-day America, economic progress appears to be at a standstill, as so does the rest of the free world.

How did the novels written in the 18th century glorify colonization?

Novels from the 18th century often portrayed colonization as a noble and heroic endeavor, highlighting the supposed benefits of bringing civilization to "savage" lands and peoples. These works reinforced imperialist ideals by romanticizing the exploits of explorers and depicting indigenous cultures as inferior and in need of European intervention. Through literary devices, colonization was portrayed as a virtuous mission that served to expand empires and spread Western values.

What was europeans (Columbus) impact on north America and Europe?

Columbus' personal impact on North America was zero: his discoveries were limited to Central and South America. The European's later impact on North America was of course massive through immigration, colonization, industrialization and many other things.

What is South America's religens?

Because of the colonization of the Spanish and Portuguese, the majority of South America is Roman Catholic; there are however several other Christian denominations located through the continent, as well as growing |Hindy, Buddish and Islamic communities.

What is the meaning of the English word 'de-colonization'?

"The ending of dependence through the termination of colony status" is the meaning of the English word "de-colonization." The word most famously applies to African, American, and Asian countries attempting to restructure politico-economically dependent societies away from fifteenth through twentieth century development by European nations.

What country did not spread their cultural ideas through colonization?


What is the point of exploration?

Exploration is the opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding. It provides new ideas and perspectives. It can include getting "out" - into the wilderness, into the sea, into space. It can include moving "in" - through a a microscope, through a book, through a culture. Human curiosity is stimulated and expanded through exploration.

What best describes Hakluyt's attitude towards the Americas?

Hakluyt held a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards the Americas, viewing it as a land of opportunity for exploration, trade, and colonization by the English. He believed in the potential for economic growth and geopolitical advantage through engagement with the New World.