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what was the name of clarks african american helper and what skills did he have

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Q: What was the name of clark's African American helper and what skills did he have?
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Who was the first African-American senator AFTER Reconstruction?

Hiram Revels he was born in Mississippi and was the first Black US senator. Hiram Revels of Mississippi was the first black African-American US Senator in the year 1870. He was born in North Carolina in the year 1827. In recognition with his leadership skills, he was elected by his colleagues to one of Mississippi's vacant U.S seats.

Did priests teach farming and building skills to American Indians?

No. American Indians taught priests and all other colonists how to farm and survive in North America. I am not sure what you mean by building skills, but different Native Americans already had many ways of building their residences before the colonists arrived.

Which statement best describes the philosophy of W E B Du Bois?

African Americans should pursue higher education in order to hone their leadership skills and challenge segregation

How did Booker Washington believe African Americans should work toward progressive reforms?

Booker T. Washington advocated that African-Americans should seek economic reforms and progress as the prime method to achieving equality with Whites. His view was a minority in the African-American community, which, by and large, agreed with W.E.B. DuBois, who argued that African-Americans should seek political and civil rights as the prime method to achieving equality with Whites. Correspondingly, Booker T. Washington was embraced by prominent White Segregation-Supporters since Washington did not directly oppose Segregation.

What was the purpose of the Tuskegee institute?

The Tuskegee Training Program was created to train African-Americans to fly and maintain combat aircraft. The program was a huge success and pioneered equality and integration in the Armed Services.

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What was the name of clark's African American helper and what skill did he have?

what was the name of clarks african american helper and what skills did he have

How did African American culture develop in British North America?

African slaves brought ideas and skills with them from Africa.

What are examples of processes or techniques?

Workin it. Mad hustle skills. Or other African American talk nonsense

What explains the political differences among African American politicians during the Reconstruction Era?

African Americans had varied economic skills.

Which African American Progressive taught students Latin while pretending to teach vocational skills?

Charlotte Hawkins Brown

How can one become a legal helper?

To become a legal helper you would need to have some legal skills that an established lawyer can use. The easiest means to those skills is to enroll in legal studies, most students of a law school will have the opportunity to become a legal helper to further their education and to earn spending money during the summer.

What has the author Dennis Paul Kimbro written?

Dennis Paul Kimbro has written: 'Daily motivations for African-American success' -- subject(s): African Americans, Life skills guides, Motivation (Psychology), Economic conditions, Psychology, Success, Calendars

Is Bob Marley and Jimi Hendrix the same person?

No, Although they are both African American. Bob Marley was known for Reggae. Jimi on the other hand was known for his guitar playing skills.

Do you have to be black to rap?

To answer that i would have to say that no you do not have to be an African American to rap. Now saying this leads to the stereotype that is pertrayed which is not right. Yes most black people rap but its because most of them have the skills. It doesn't matter what race you fall under, what matters are the skills and confidence you have.

Who was the first African-American senator AFTER Reconstruction?

Hiram Revels he was born in Mississippi and was the first Black US senator. Hiram Revels of Mississippi was the first black African-American US Senator in the year 1870. He was born in North Carolina in the year 1827. In recognition with his leadership skills, he was elected by his colleagues to one of Mississippi's vacant U.S seats.

What has the author Carmichael Crutchfield written?

Carmichael Crutchfield has written: 'The Enlightened Males Program manual' -- subject(s): African American young men, Enlightened Males Program, Life skills guides

Who advocated the learning of vocation skills for African Americans?

Booker T. Washington