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Its the Wade-Davis Bill.

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Iron clad oath

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Q: What was the name of the decree that required a majority of the white males in a state to swear loyalty to the union?
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What was the name of the decree that required a majority of white males in a state to swear loyalty to the union?

Iron clad oath

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Why the majority of all white males jealous of the majority of all black men?

White males, by and large, are not jealous of black males, or any other race. We are who we are, and most of us are comfortable being what we were born as. Everyone should be proud of themselves as people, not a race.

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They're not. The majority in TX (the age at which you are legally an adult) is 18 for both males and females.

What country has the largest number of gay males?

China has the largest population of gay males in the world, however the majority of gay people in China are closeted.

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There is an even distribution between males and females however the effects of cystic fibrosis effect them differently. Unfortunately the majority of males are infertile but women have more of a chance to conceive.

Are most Mexican penises circumcised?

No, circumcision is not a common practice in Mexico. The majority of Mexican males are not circumcised.

Are most Bangladeshi penises circumcised?

Yes, circumcision is a common practice among Muslim males in Bangladesh for cultural and religious reasons. It is estimated that the majority of Bangladeshi males are circumcised.

Do you have to be female to be pregnant?

Yes. Males just don't have the required body parts.

Do all members the same sex have the same sex chromosomes?

No. This is a myth resulting from the fact that the majority of biological females have XX chromosomes and the majority of biological males have XY.For example, there are males with XX chromosomes (see are also many other variations.