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Q: What were the major arguments used pro and con in the debate over expandinf suffrage during the age of Jackson?
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The Webster Haine Debate what was the heart of the debate?

The Webster Haine debate raged on over the Nullification Crisis during Andrew Jackson's presidency. When congress passed an increase in the rates of the protective tariff in 1828 without the south's consent, the south dubbed it the tariff of abomination. South Carolina then presented the doctrine of nullification which stated 1. each state is sovereign 2. sovereignty is indivisible 3. the Constitution is a compact between sovereign states 4. Because of this, any state could declare any law that exceeds the power of Congress null and void within that state. This debate was then presented to Congress and was argued by Daniel Webber (unionist) and Haine (States Rights) (in reality the vice president John C. Calhoun is writing Haine's arguments, Haine wasn't all that brilliant but was a moving speaker. then Jackson gets involved, the Force Bill is passed, Jackson threatens invasion.... and Henry Clay creates a compromise.

Did the wiley debaters accomplish anything?

The Wiley debate team won several contests against other colleges using the theme of racism and oppression to present sound arguments. The college debate team and experienced prepared each member for future jobs that included uplifting the black race and engaging in community.

The debate about prayer in school is a debate about?

the First Amendment

In debate what does an argument consist of?

An argument will consist of several reasons why you think something is right or not. There are always two teams; one team will be the affirmative team and the other will be the negative. They must have strong arguments (or reasons why you think something is right or wrong) in order to influence the adjudicator to pick you as the winning team.

What was the womens fashion debate in the gilded age about?

the debate on womans clothing in the gilded years

Related questions

Was the suffrage debate or diplomacy?

Woman Suffrage, or anything under suffrage, would a Debate.

How many arguments does a debate consist of?

Three or less.

What is a one rebuttal debate?

I have never heard of that before, but it seems to me that it is a debate with only one rebuttal per side. A rebuttal is a speech where a team is allowed to make arguments on pre-existing arguments, but they are not allowed to bring up new arguments.

What is a one-rebuttal debate?

I have never heard of that before, but it seems to me that it is a debate with only one rebuttal per side. A rebuttal is a speech where a team is allowed to make arguments on pre-existing arguments, but they are not allowed to bring up new arguments.

Are arguments are based upon ideas that are open to dispute or debate?


In a debate one is likely to encounter .?

cross examination

What arguments could you have made in support of the articles?

I think you could be talking about a Debate

The segment of the debate that should crystallize the debate into several key arguments against the resolution is called an?

The segment of the debate that crystallizes arguments against the resolution is typically called the "rebuttal." This is where debaters counter and challenge the points made by the opposing side to strengthen their own position.

What is the best way to debate?

To know the arguments of the other side as well as you know your own.

What is a verb for discussion?

"Debate" is a verb for discussion that typically involves exchanging arguments or opinions on a particular topic.

How is the affirmative speech in debate similar to opening arguments in court?

Both explain the basis for an argument.

How is the affirmative constructive speech in debate similar to opening arguments in court?

Both explain the basis for an argument.