Thurgood Marshall's careers were an attorney and A Supreme Court Justice .
thurgood marshall favorite color was blue
thurgood marshall's parents name his mother's name is norma arica his father is william canifield marshall
he was punished in school for his mis behavior by being forced to read the constitution and it was FRICKEN AWESOME
He had no family. two sons thurgood marshall jr and john
thurgood marshall favorite color was blue
Thurgood Marshall attended a black segregated school
No no it wasnt
Mike and Shane
soccer or Baseball
for being the first African American justice of the supreme court
future position of status
thurgood marshall's parents name his mother's name is norma arica his father is william canifield marshall
He was an attorney for the NAACP. - NovaNet.
he was punished in school for his mis behavior by being forced to read the constitution and it was FRICKEN AWESOME