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the same year they stopped working and got on welfare. roughly 2 years before they started smoking crack.

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13y ago

The Indians got there horses from the Spanish in late 1540

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Q: When did the plains Indians get horses?
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Who introduced horses to plains Indians?

It was not introduced, for the Plains Indians stole the horses from the spanish.

Why was the horse so valauble to the western plains Indians?

why were horses important to the western plains indians

What was effect of contact between the plains Indians and spanish?

The Plains Indians began to rely on horses.

Who were the first Indians to own horses?

either the plains Indians or the Comanche Indians!

Was horses trained by the plains Indians?


What was an effect of contact between the plains and the Spanish?

The Plains Indians began to rely on horses.

Plains Indians transportation?

The plains indains used horses for transportation, and that's all i know.

What animal did the Spanish introduce to the plains Indians?

They had brought horses.

Did Indians have horses before the euorpeans came here?

American Indians didn't have horses, the Spanish brought them when America was discovered. However, it is possible that the Plains Indians DID already have horses, but the central American Indians didn't

What kind of impact did spanish contacts have on American Indians?

The Plains Indians began to rely on horses.

What animal changed the way the Indians of the great plains lived?


How did the the plains Indians live before the arrival of the horses?

the plains Indians are nomads wich means they travel in serch of food before they had horses they had to carry their things them selves they also used dogs for transporting their things