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The Indian Removal Act was signed by Andrew Jackson in 1830. This gave the government the right to remove the Eastern tribes and give them lands in the west "forever." Interestingly, it referred to this forced removal as an exchange. The eastern Indians were promised land in the west without regard to the tribes already in the regions, nor the fact that the lands were far different from what the eastern tribes were used to.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

It was on May 28, 1830 that the Indian Removal Act was passed. A number of Christian missionaries opposed the passing of the bill.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Indian Removal Act happened in 1830.

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Q: When were the Indian removal acts passed?
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When did the Indian removal start and end?

The Indian removal did start in 1830 and stopped in 1860. The Indian Removal Act was passed by the senate on April 24, 1830.

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The final phase of the Indian removal plan was the removal of the Cherokees. The Indian Removal Act was a law passed by Congress during Andrew Jackson presidency on May 28, 1830.

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The Indian Removal Act was passed by Congress in 1830.

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It was on May 28, 1830 that the Indian Removal Act was passed. A number of Christian missionaries opposed the passing of the bill.

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The law (The Indian Removal Act) was passed on May 26th 1830, the first actions were taken in September of 1830. If you mean "Indian Removal" in general, then that would be October 12th 1492.

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Andrew Jackson passed the Indian removal act.

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In 1830 the Congress of the United States passed the "Indian Removal Act." Although many Americans were against the act, most notably Tennessee Congressman Davy Crockett, it passed anyway.

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The Indian Removal Act was executed and passed onto the law by President Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830.

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He passed it.