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John Wilkes Booth shot him from behind when Lincoln was watching the play Our American Cousin in a balcony next to the stage. Booth jumped from the balcony and caught his spur on bunting, hit the stage wrong, and broke his leg. He limped out to the back of the theater where is horse was waiting and rode out of Washington. Lincoln was carried across the street where he was put in a bed in a second floor room and died at 7 AM the next morning.

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15y ago
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14y ago

He was shot in the brain. He was attending a play at Ford's Theater.

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14y ago

On April,14,1865 Abraham Lincoln got shot at Fords theater by John Wilkes Boothe. He did not die right away, he died a day later, on April 15, 1865.

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13y ago

The wrong place it would seem - in front of a gun...Ford's Theatre, Washinton DC

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14y ago

i do know he was maybe shot at night time in the fords theater its sad i get called mr preserdent at my christan school cause im 8 trnin 9

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14y ago

Lincoln was shot in the head at close range while watching a play at Ford's Theater in Washington, DC.

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15y ago

The back of the head

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13y ago

At Ford's Theatre In Washington, DC

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