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along the Mississippi and Missouri river

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Q: Where did the Mississippian live?
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What did the mississippian live in?


Which state of mississippian live?

The united states

Where did the Plaquemine-Mississippian Indians live?

They lived in Mississippi.

What Housing did mississippian Indians live in?

Wattle and daub houses

What time frame did the Mississippian Indians live in Cahokia?

After A.D 900

Where did the mississippian Indians live?

i dont know all i know is its on my homework!

What was the time period of the Mississippian Indians?

live to 700 a.d-1500 a.d

What do they call people who live in Mississippi?

A person who lives in or is from Mississippi is called a Mississippian.

What are people who live in Mississippi called?

A person who lives in or is from Mississippi is called a Mississippian.

When was The Daily Mississippian created?

The Daily Mississippian was created in 1911.

What is the Mississippian Indians language?

Did any mississippian tribes have a written language

What is the proper adjective for Mississippi?

The proper adjective for Mississippi is "Mississippian."