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President Abraham Lincoln was re-buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery in his hometown of Springfield, Illinois, alongside his wife and three younger sons.

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Q: Where is Lincoln buried and is his family buried with him?
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Which son was buried with Lincoln?

Edward Lincoln and William Lincoln are buried along side thier mother Mary Lincoln and Father Abraham Lincoln in Springfield, IL. Robert Lincoln and his wife are buried in Arlington National Cemetary.

Where did Lincoln buried?

Lincoln is buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery with his wife and 3 children .

Why isn't Abraham Lincoln buried at Arlington National Cemetery?

At the time it was almost a paupers cemetery and not up to the standards for a president. Presidents are buried according to the wishes of their family.

Where are Mary and Abraham Lincoln buried?

They are buried in the Lincoln Tomb in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield.

Was Tad Lincoln buried in his room in the White House?

Tad Lincoln was buried in the Lincoln Tomb at Oak Ridge Cemetery in Illinois.

What city was Abraham Lincoln buried in?

Abraham Lincoln was buried in the Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois.

Where were Mary Todd Lincoln and Abraham Lincoln buried?

They are buried in oak ridge cemetery in Springfield, Illinois.

Where was Abraham Lincoln buried?

Lincoln was buried at Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois .

What US president is buried in Illinois?

Abraham Lincoln is buried in Springfield, Illinois.

Where is Randolph Jefferson buried?

The family is buried at Monticello, Virginia. This is where most of the Jeffersons were buried. It is the family homestead.

Where is teena Brandon buried?

Teena Brandon , known as Brandon Teena in popular culture, is buried at Lincoln Memorial Park in Lincoln, Nebraska.

When was Lincoln buried?

May 4, 1865