president pro tempore
The Vice President of the US is the Senate President, however, he can appoint or delegate any of the senators to officiate on his absence which is called the President's Pro Tempore. The 113th Congress Presidents Pro Tempore as Jan 3, 2013 is Patrick J. Leahy.
The vice president does not run for office in the primary or general election. He is selected by the Presidential candidate to be a running mate. The Executive Branch consists of the President, Vice President and Cabinet. The Cabinet members are appointed by the President and approved by the Senate. Therefore, the only elected official in the Executive Branch is the President.
Ohio Republican, Warren G. Harding, was the first president elected while still serving a term in the United States Senate. Harding, a conservative Republican, signed the first child welfare bill into law, and attempted to get an anti-lynching bill passed to protect African-Americans.
They both are upper houses of congressThey both are part of the legislative branchThey both have representatives from all fifty statesThey both have the same citizenship prerequisitesThey both rotate people in and out of office
Ted Kennedy
JFK graduated from college, went into the navy, wrote for a newspaper , was elected to Congress and finally served in the US Senate before he ran for president.
The vice president is the president of the senate.
by the president
The President of the Senate is the Vice-President of the United States.
The office is Senate pro tempore. He is elected by the Senate. The current custom is to elect the majority party member with the greatest seniority in the Senate.
Andrew Johnson was the only ex-president to return to the US Senate.
They are elected by the people before the president.
The Vice President is also President of the Senate
His younger brothers Robert and Edward. He himself served in the Senate.
They're not elected; they are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate.
form running for senate