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In the US, "black" is a culture, an ethnic experience, and a race. The black culture is based partly on slavery tradition, ethnic Christianity, and circumstance. There are complete idioms, slang, and styles peculiar to the black experience.

Racially, the black person is a Negro of African origin. There are evidences of the cultures of Africa originating along the coast of both sides of the continents. It is said the the Queen of Sheba was a black woman of current day Ethiopia. Certainly there is a rich culture dating back many centuries as is currently being found in the African continent in archelogy.

In the US the black people have given the US many famous statesmen and pioneers. The history is replete with inventors, statesmen, judges, lawyers, soldiers, and pioneers. It is an illuminating history to delve into. Such people as George Washington Carver who invented peanut butter, Shirley Chisholm who was the first black woman in Congress, and Madam Walker who was a famous black entrepreneur of black beauty products and amassed a fortune, are some stellar examples of black leaders within the community.

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