no he is anerexic and skinny
their names were Henry Zimmerle and Riley Zimmerle. Henry fought on the North side and lived through the war, Riley fought on the South side but was killed during the war. the reason I know is because Henry was my great-great-great-grandfather.
The king was King Charles
George III
King George III
Yes Riley King (B. B. King) played the guitar.
Riley "B. B." King
No, he is 85 years old.
Riley B King. Sorry, don't know what the B is for
Riley B. King
Riley Freeman is voiced by Regina King .
B. Daniel Riley was born on 1946-02-16.
His full name is Riley b. King BB. in his stage name came from his nickname "blues boy"
Harrison B. Riley has written: 'The arguments and conclusions of the Committee's Report'
Huey & Riley are both voiced by actress Regina King.
B. S. Riley has written: 'Handling tests on four wheel drive multi-purpose vehicles'
Frances J. Riley has written: 'The king's daughter dances'