Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States of America, was shot in Fords Theater, Washington D.C. while watching the play Our American Cousin.
The last name of the man who shot President Lincoln was Booth. John Wilkes Booth was an actor. He shot President Lincoln in Fords Theater on the opening night of "Our American Cousin" in 1865.
Abraham Lincoln was the president when he died.
John Wilkes Booth shot him from behind when Lincoln was watching the play Our American Cousin in a balcony next to the stage. Booth jumped from the balcony and caught his spur on bunting, hit the stage wrong, and broke his leg. He limped out to the back of the theater where is horse was waiting and rode out of Washington. Lincoln was carried across the street where he was put in a bed in a second floor room and died at 7 AM the next morning.
On Good Friday April 14, 1965 while watching a play at Ford's Theater Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by a gunshot wound to the head. The person who fired the fatal shot was John Wilkes Booth.
Fords Theater watching the play "Our American Cousin".
The name of the play on the night Lincoln was shot is "Our American Cousin."
Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States of America, was shot in Fords Theater, Washington D.C. while watching the play Our American Cousin.
I think that's what President Lincoln went to see at the Fords Theater on April 14, 1865.
John Wilkes Booth was not welcome at Fords Theater.
It was actually the First Lady's preference to attend "Our American Cousin", at Ford's theater, Friday evening, April 14, 1865. She had tickets to Grover's theater but told her husband, she'd prefer seeing "Our American Cousin", that evening.
it is not a person it is a theater in washington d.c.
He was there seeing the play "My American Cousin". I think he ment there every Good Friday.
The last name of the man who shot President Lincoln was Booth. John Wilkes Booth was an actor. He shot President Lincoln in Fords Theater on the opening night of "Our American Cousin" in 1865.
he never died in fords theater, he died across the street from fords theater
Booth killed Lincoln by shooting him at Fords Theater while Lincoln watched the play Our American Cousin. Booth thought by killing him he could restart the civil war, but the south was just as upset as the north on his death.
Fords Theater