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The Pequot nation in 1637.

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Q: Who was the first Native American group to take a major stand against colonists?
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How did colonial settlement affect existing Native American populations?

Native American populations decreased with the increase of colonial settlements. There are two main reasons for this. First, the Colonists violently attacked the Native Americans, especially the Powhatan Tribes in Virginia and the Wampanoag in Massachusetts. Second, the Colonists brought a number of diseases with them from the Old World that caused epidemics in the Native American populations, especially smallpox.

Who was the first Indian to talk with the colonists?

Samoset was the first Native American Indian to talk with the colonists. He boldly strolled through their encampment and introduced himself on March 16, 1621.

What was the name of the native American group that ate the first Thanksgiving dinner with the first early colonists know as pilgrims?

the wampanoag tribe

How did the American colonists deceive the Native Americans?

the colonists dressed up as Indians so the British didn't know it was them that got rid of all of their tea. They dumped the tea in the Boston harbor

The eastern region of the Virginia colony was finally saved from native American attack after?

The eastern region of the Virginia Colony was finally saved from Native American attack after the building of Pricketts Fort. The first Colonists were in great danger for some time, until they met friendly Native American Indians.

What did the American revolution involve?

At first the American Colonists wanted their freedom and independence from England. Then, after the Colonists won the Battle of Saratoga, France joined them and helped them to defeat the British. The victory of the Colonists was one of the factors that led the French people to revolt and against their king, and led to many other revolutions against monarchies and other rulers.

Why did colonists and American Indians disagree about who own land?

The colonists were taking and clearing land that was the Native American's hunting grounds. At first the Native Americans were peaceful and made treaties with the colonists, but after the colonists just kept expanding, the Native Americans knew that had to fight for their land.

Who made it possible for the colonists to survive in america the first year?

The Native Americans taught the colonists a lot about the land and how to survive. Afterwards, many of the Native Americans were displaced.

What is the origin of the berry industry in the U.S.?

Native American peoples relied heavily on certain berries as a staple in their diet and passed on their knowledge of the fruit to the first European colonists.

What was the native American tribe known as in the first thanksgiving?

Squanto was the Native-American who was honored at the first Thanksgiving.

Why did John Smith say the Native Americans brought food to the starving colonists?

John Smith said that the Native Americans brought food to the starving colonists because they did. Pocahontas brought food from the Native Americans to the colonists during their first winter or they would have starved.

What conditions and experiences were common to American colonists regardless of their colony or region?

The Colonists experienced illness and hunger regardless of their Colony or region. They also faced problems with the Native American Indians. They had to endure the harsh weather, especially the first winter, when they had little more than tents to live in.